Follow Your Heart (And What’s Wrong With That)

Follow your heart.

A saying we’ve all likely heard. Most people would agree it’s a good idea, if not always completely practical.

Following your heart seems like a good idea when you’re on the road to finding happiness. And oftentimes, your heart makes good decisions. One problem with following your heart all the time, however, is that the heart doesn’t have the whole picture. This is something I’m currently finding out. Your heart only looks at what will make you happy. At that moment.

People change, you will change, and sooner or later, what made your heart happy at one point may no longer do so.

Following your heart is like always going back and retracing your steps to find new paths every couple of miles or so. The heart can help us get started walking, but you might find yourself walking backwards and even the wrong way if you are always following your heart.

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